LOVE WESTON is encouraging local people to pray and express care for their streets and neighbourhoods over the next year.
We shall be doing this in lots of ways including prayer walks, prayer rallies, practical expressions of care and concern and various online initiatives. It wont always be large gatherings, we aim to connect people to pray in their localities in twos and threes as well.
In association with our friends at Neighbourhood Prayer Net, we are providing this interactive online Prayer map in which people are encouraged to sign up to pray for their streets.
People who are signing up using the paper sign-up forms have the option to be automatically added to this map. If you are signing up to join LOVE WESTON online or by text, we would encourage you to add the streets that you wish to pray for over the next year now, using the Add Place link below...
Our vision is to see a plethora of markers on the map right across the district indicating beacons of prayer and care for our neighbourhoods.
To add your street(s) to the Prayer Map - click 'Add Place' below. In the 'Place Name' box, type just the name of the road, not the house number or building name... unless it is a particular place that you are praying for.
In the Category drop down, select 'Individual'. After a couple of seconds, the 'Church (optional)' dropdown will go live. Select 'Love Weston, Weston-super-Mare (BS22 8JG) from the dropdown list.
Next, complete the rest of the information on the form and click 'Add +'. It can take up to 24 hours to update the map. You will receive an email to confirm your listing.
LOVE WESTON and AREA is an initiative of Churches Together in Weston-super-Mare and District, a local association of Churches. CTWD are affiliated to Churches Together England a Registered Charity No 1110782.
Site by APWD.